"High Stakes" is a game of Seven-Card Stud Poker that will be a fun and interactive experience for players.

What will make this stand out from all the other Poker videogames out there is the emphasis on a physical interaction as well as competition against smart, reactive opponents. The plan is to use both Nintendo's Wiimote and NaturaPoint's TrackIR head tracker for control to play against responsive, motion captured avatars for a truly immersive poker playing experience.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Key Concept in Core: Event Based System

HSPObject has HSPEventHandler.
HSPEventHandler has Queue for HSPEvents, and run based on thread.
HSPEvent has HSPMemory for additional parameter. It's for memory clean management.
It adapts "reference counting" method, so Events can share parameters.

HSPInteractionHandler handles sending event to Object.
It can identify object with type like "HSP_MAIN", or object id. and you can also send event to all Objects.
User can generate Events such as checking your card, fold, check, call etc.
HSPAI can generate Events after AI processing.
HSPGuideAI is for giving tips to User.

There are four different HSPObjects.
  • HSPDealer
  • HSPokerPlayer
  • HSPTimer : object for generating time tick
  • HSPVisManager : object for connecting logic and visual
Poker logic part(state digram) was implemented in HSPDealer and HSPPokerPlayer.
Instances were dealer(HSPDealer), player1(HSPokerPlayer), player2(HSPokerPlayer), timer(HSPTimer), vismanager(HSPVisManager).

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