"High Stakes" is a game of Seven-Card Stud Poker that will be a fun and interactive experience for players.

What will make this stand out from all the other Poker videogames out there is the emphasis on a physical interaction as well as competition against smart, reactive opponents. The plan is to use both Nintendo's Wiimote and NaturaPoint's TrackIR head tracker for control to play against responsive, motion captured avatars for a truly immersive poker playing experience.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Early GUI Screenshots

Tentative Main Menu,. The final version will blend in the BG image better and change the buttons into chips(Since we already have the cards animation)

The empty screen for the controls menu. The final version will have smaller cards and and the controls information
This is the debug for the in game GUI. The transpaent black objects represent "hotspots". These hotspots show information and/or trigger certain reactions from the NPC when you are looking at them with TrackIR hovering above them with the "eye" mouse cursor.
Without the debug. The chips objects aren't in yet, but when you hover over them, you will see their value.

The in game/pause menu. The final version will have a graphic to indicate that you're in the pause menu.

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