"High Stakes" is a game of Seven-Card Stud Poker that will be a fun and interactive experience for players.

What will make this stand out from all the other Poker videogames out there is the emphasis on a physical interaction as well as competition against smart, reactive opponents. The plan is to use both Nintendo's Wiimote and NaturaPoint's TrackIR head tracker for control to play against responsive, motion captured avatars for a truly immersive poker playing experience.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gameplay Design

* This document was written by Geoffrey Brown.

High Stakes Poker is a highly interactive game of Seven Card Stud Poker against a cunning and sometimes verbally abusive opponent.

Gameplay elements:
This game goes by the rules of Seven Card Stud Poker. The first two cards are dealt face down. Then next four cards are dealt face up and viewable by opponents. The final card of the round is dealt face down. To win a round, the opponent must fold or the player must have the best Poker hand. To win a game, you must win all of his chips.

.Look in “hotspot” areas to receive game information, or to generally annoy your opponent : The player's chip area: shows the players chip value and elicits a unique type of response from the opponent if looked at too long.
The opponent's chip area: shows the opponents chip value and elicits a unique type of response from the opponent if looked at too long
The table chips area: shows the pot value.
The opponent's card area: shows a closer view of the opponent's cards and elicits a unique type of response from the opponent if looked at too long The opponent's face area: elicits a unique type of response from the opponent if looked at too long
Looking at your hidden cards too often or waiting too long to do something during your turn will elicit unique types of response from the opponent as well.

Gameplay Controls (Geoff – Wiimote):
Look at your hidden cards: Swing Wiimote up vertically
Call/check/confirm: Press A
Raise: Hold B and swing Wiimote vertically
Decrease bet: Hold B and swing Wiimote horizontally
Fold: Hold c and move Nunchuk vertically to fold Bet
All In: Hold Z and swing Wiimote and Nunchuk at the same time vertically
Click on a menu button: Press the + button to while hovering over it
Pause Game: Press the home button while playing the game.
Use TrackIR head tracking system or the Nunckuck analog stick to move the “eyecon” over menu buttons and hot spots.

GlovePie allows the Wiimote functionality to be mapped to computer input.
The Wiimote does not interact with the sensor bar in this game. This is because the sensor bar could disrupt the TrackIR's detection of its own sensor. For this reason, the Wiimote controls were designed so that motion sensing would only be handled by the gyrometer and accelerometer.
At certain force and speed, the Wiimote would detect the wrong direction, so boundaries for the script had to be defined so that a vertical movement wouldn’t be mistaken with a horizontal one. An example from the GlovePie script of a “Raise”

//The If statement is designed to give a minimal force on the vertical motion, but allow for some small error in the other direction as the user will most likely not move in a perfectly straight vertical movement
if(Wiimote1.RelAccY >= 12 m per s per s AND Wiimote1.RelAccX < 12 m per s per s
AND Wiimote1.gy >= 2.00 AND Wiimote1.gx <> -2.00 AND Wiimote1.B)
ppjoy1.digital3 = 1
ppjoy1.digital3 = 0
debug= "RAISED " //This is the debug information used to find the boundaries "gx: " + Wiimote1.gx + " gy: " + Wiimote1.gy + " gz: " + Wiimote1.gz + " AcX: " + Wiimote1.RelAccX + " AcY: " + Wiimote1.RelAccY + " AcZ: " + Wiimote1.RelAccZ
wait 700ms
debug= "IDLE" endif

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